I know that you believe in yourself, you believe in self-development and helping your children or those you influence live with a healthy mind, body and heart. For that, I applaud you. Live an Inspired Life and Flourish! The goal of this show is to help you not only raise healthy & happy children, but to also work on your own personal development. We are all born with a Gift. We are all born with Purpose. Life‘s journey is to hone and develop that Gift, as purpose changes within. Share your knowledge of self-empowerment with those you influence, after all it‘s easier to raise a child with a positive mindset than it is to fix a broken one. How you speak and how you act around your children becomes their inner voice. Once you have self-awareness it‘s easier to thrive and grow, be your child‘s inspiration and advocate for their well being. https://www.Flourish.Mom. #personaldevelopment #mindset #motivation #inspiration #successtips #selfesteem #parenting #Believe #selfhelp #goals #habits #timemanagement #success #selfcare #selflove #bestseller #inspired #FlourishMom #time #howto #coach #personalgrowth #mentalhealth #health #fitness #wellness #meditation #spirituality #loa #thesecret #womenempowerment #parentingtips #highperformance #inspiredlife #inspireddiane #greatness #growth
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Navigating Principles of Psychology | Chapter 1 | Flourish with Diane Planidin
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
The journey has begun. Join me as I navigate through the Psychology -100 Course at Queens University, on-line course.
Learning Objectives
- Describe factors that impact adjustment to post-secondary education, and that predict success.
- Understand that psychology is a broad science that integrates diverse approaches and methodologies that have their roots in other disciplines (e.g., Biology, Mathematics, Philosophy).
- Learn the scope of mental health problems faced by University students (including those enrolled in Principles of Psychology) and how that might affect working with course content.
- Define trigger warnings and describe the existing evidence for why they are not used in Principles of Psychology.
- Understand and use (where appropriate) strategies to overcome the academic challenges that this course may present.
- Understand and use (where appropriate) strategies to overcome the emotional challenges that this course may present.
#QueensU #Psychology #LearnOnLine
Find out more about Flourish at the links below:
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➡️ Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
➡️ Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/8WpNIH8zizo
PSYC 100: Principles of Psychology F21 by PSYC100 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
You are going to love this! As part of my journey in understanding the world of psychology I came across a paper written in 1956 which explains why we remember certain things like phone numbers and identification numbers that are grouped in sevens, plus or minus two. Then we go on the journey of noticing the number 7 throughout history and in everyday occurrences. There is psychology behind the number 7 that not only will attract your attention, but help you in learning.
In his paper, George Miller says: "I shall begin my case history by telling you about some experiments that tested how accurately people can assign numbers to the magnitudes of various aspects of a stimulus. In the traditional language of psychology these would be called experiments in absolute judgment. Historical accident, however, has decreed that they should have another name. We now call them experiments on the capacity of people to transmit information. Since these experiments would not have been done without the appearance of information theory on the psychological scene, and since the results are analyzed in terms of the concepts of information theory, I shall have to preface my discussion with a few remarks about this theory. "
Sounds like too much information? Well the paper ends with the exciting revelation that since the beginning of time, the number 7 has been magic, plus or minus two.
"And finally, what about the magical number seven? What about the seven wonders of the world, the seven seas, the seven deadly sins, the seven daughters of Atlas in the Pleiades, the seven ages of man, the seven levels of hell, the seven primary colors, the seven notes of the musical scale, and the seven days of the week? What about the seven-point rating scale, the seven categories for absolute judgment, the seven objects in the span of attention, and the seven digits in the span of immediate memory? For the present I propose to withhold judgment. Perhaps there is something deep and profound behind all these sevens, something just calling out for us to discover it. But I suspect that it is only a pernicious, Pythagorean coincidence."
I give my own examples of the number 7 as seen through history in books and film. After I finished this episode I started thinking about the Seven pools on the Hawaiian island in Maui, and other places.
Share in the comments below where you have seen the number 7, plus or minus 2 throughout history and in everyday life. If you like the show, share it with someone you know that wants to live an inspired life!
#memory #lawsofUX #psychology #Flourish
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
You deserve to obtain knowledge you need to succeed in life. But who teaches you how to learn - how to learn? The jump from high school to University, College, Trade School or frankly, life can be daunting.
Today's episode will provide you with some tips and tricks on how to set yourself up for success. This does not have to be overwhelming if you break it down to smaller segments.
I am going to Queens University as part of my research for my book and the accompanying on-line course. So I'm putting myself in your shoes to find out what I don't know - about what I don't know.
My journey begins with Psychology 100 which is a 12 week fully immersive course that has one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two pages of material. We unpack that hot-mess of overwhelming material.
As a bonus, if you have an interest in psychology, I have created a playlist that will take you through all 1892 pages which may help you understand human nature a bit better, or it may help you pass the Psych-100 course and apply what you are learning.
As promised, below are the links on my other episodes with other helpful hints on time management and creating a better learning environment. Make a nest to take the test!
Live an inspired Life, Diane
#acceleratedlearning #learningonline #Flourish
Episode Mentioned: Master the Mini-Break and Create a Nest: https://youtu.be/2a18uPhyoug
Manage your Time: https://youtu.be/AIISB21JesI
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
"A healthy person is primarily motivated by their needs to develop and actualize their full potential and capacities." Abraham Maslow.
We all have the same needs in life, but do we truly understand how they work? Today we discuss how the hierarchy of needs will allow you to build the life that you deserve. Understand that we all have the same potential to create an inspired life.
Don't know what your purpose is? What your calling is? What the meaning of life is? This episode will provide you with the foundation in which to build upon and expand your possibilities to reach new heights.
Whatever you can be - you MUST be.
Get ready to level up and live an inspired life!
Would you help out the show? Share this show with three people you know who want to Live an Inspired Life.
Thank you, Diane
#Psychology #Flourish #Maslow #Meaning
Find out more about Flourish at the links below:
➡️ Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
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➡️ Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
➡️ Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/W11x87Vrpq0
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Would you like to get into better shape? Have you started and stopped an exercise regime too many times to count? Then you will want to tune-in to today's episode which will provide you with some great ideas on how to start a fitness habit.
Begin by reminding yourself why you want to improve on your health. Remind yourself that you want to improve on your fitness because you love your body, not that you hate it. Remind yourself that each of us is different and you need to take time to find the right routine, schedule and form of exercise for you.
Think of it as building blocks. Working with small increments of time and building upon them. You don't need to start with an hour a day. I started with 5 minutes a day - you can find 5 minutes for yourself. You deserve to add you to your schedule.
By building a habit of fitness, to bring out the athlete that you are, consistency is key. That's why beginning with 5 minutes versus no minutes works. Then you can build upon that with another 5 minutes. You may need to play with this idea for awhile in order to figure out what time of day works for you. This may also change as the seasons change, as your life changes or as your job changes.
My mantra is "No Matter What." You have a choice to take control over your body. Do not let outside influences tell you otherwise. You are in control.
My jam is 80's music. Music is magic and stirs the soul. Use that to your advantage to keep your spirits lifted.
My Identity shift is becoming a person who exercises.
What have you done in the past that has worked for you that you can build upon? Until you actually do the physical work, you won't know how to do it and you won't know what works for you.
It takes time to build a healthier body but when you do, you will live a more inspired life.
#Fitness #Flourish #Habit
Find out more about Flourish at the links below:
➡️ Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
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➡️ Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
➡️ Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
➡️ Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/2BsdNNZ1Zqw
#morningworkout #believeinyourself #motivation #goals
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
Failure is not in your Destiny so you must keep moving along the pathway. If you don't know what to do, ask for guidance. Today will give you some tips on how to level-up your life by seeking guidance - you will be rewarded.
Each scroll contains a principle that will drive a bad habit from your life and replace it with a good one. Put your unlimited potential to good use. Stay Grounded, stay smiling and most of all, reach what you aspire to become.
Learn the secret of the ages: Pray for Guidance, Ask for Guidance, Seek out Guidance and be prepared to take action when you have received it.
Feed your soul as you meditate on these scrolls.
"Never will I pray for the material things of the world. I am not calling to a servant to bring me food. I am not ordering an innkeeper to provide me with room. Never will I seek delivery of gold, love, good health, petty victories, fame, success, or happiness. Only for guidance will I pray, that I may be shown the way to acquire these things, and my prayer will always be answered". Og Mandino.
Ask and you Shall receive - what guidance are you asking for? Share in the comments below.
Join us as we live an inspired life from the readings of Og Mandino and The Greatest Salesman in the World. Success and Happiness are possible as you listen daily to the 10 scrolls - a small price to pay for an inspired life.
Share this show with three people you know who want to Live an Inspired Life, Diane
#Believe #SuccessSecrets #Flourish #OgMandino
Find out more about Flourish at the links below:
➡️ Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
➡️ Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
➡️ Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
➡️ Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
➡️ Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6wlxXfJevJg
#PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Visualize #FocusontheChange #Mindset #KnowYourself #SelfAwareness #goals #habits #resilience #FlourishTVco #Mindfulness #DisciplinedMind #disciplineyourself #dailydiscipline #selfdiscipline #entrepreneur #solopreneur #flourishmom #goals #subconcious #prayer
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Action without Fear | Live your Life Purpose| Flourish with Diane Planidin
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
The power of the made up mind allows you to move into action without fear. Think about something you've accomplished and how nothing was going to stop you from reaching your goal. That's powerful. Today will give you some tips on how reminding yourself to 'act now' will let you live your life with purpose.
Each scroll contains a principle that will drive a bad habit from your life and replace it with a good one. Put your unlimited potential to good use. Stay Grounded, stay smiling and most of all, reach what you aspire to become.
Learn the secret of the ages: Action is the fuel to nourish your success.
Feed your soul as you meditate on these scrolls.
"With these words I can condition my mind to perform every act necessary for my success. With these words I can condition my ind to meet every challenge with the failure avoids." Og Mandino.
How do you condition your mind to reach your goals? Share in the comments below.
Join us as we live an inspired life from the readings of Og Mandino and The Greatest Salesman in the World. Success and Happiness are possible as you listen daily to the 10 scrolls - a small price to pay for an inspired life.
Share this show with three people you know who want to Live an Inspired Life, Diane
#Purpose #Success #Time #Flourish #OgMandino
Find out more about Flourish at the links below:
➡️ Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
➡️ Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
➡️ Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
➡️ Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
#PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Visualize #FocusontheChange #Mindset #KnowYourself #SelfAwareness #goals #habits #resilience #FlourishTVco #Mindfulness #DisciplinedMind #disciplineyourself #dailydiscipline #selfdiscipline #entrepreneur #solopreneur #flourishmom #goals #subconcious
Friday Apr 22, 2022
10X your Life by Choice | You have the Power | Flourish with Diane Planidin
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
If you want to grow and multiply abundance, you must nurture yourself. You deserve a better life and you deserve to reach your goals. Today will give you some tips on how choice can help you create a vision for the future. How choice creates your destiny and how choice will improve your life a hundred fold.
Each scroll contains a principle that will drive a bad habit from your life and replace it with a good one. Put your unlimited potential to good use. Stay Grounded, stay smiling and most of all, reach what you aspire to become.
Learn the secret of the ages: Multiply your value and your life as you surpass your goals and prophesies your future. Feed your soul as you meditate on these scrolls.
"I too must nurture my body and mind to fulfill my dreams" Og Mandino.
How do you reach your goals? Share in the comments below, leave a review or simply some stars. It will help others reach their goals and also find the show!
Join us as we live an inspired life from the readings of Og Mandino and The Greatest Salesman in the World. Success and Happiness are possible as you listen daily to the 10 scrolls - a small price to pay for an inspired life.
Share this show with three people you know who want to Live an Inspired Life, Diane
#10x #SuccessSecrets #Flourish #OgMandino
Find out more about Flourish at the links below:
➡️ Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
➡️ Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
➡️ Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
➡️ Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
➡️ Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/DwxnVSD6E1I
#PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Visualize #FocusontheChange #Mindset #KnowYourself #SelfAwareness #goals #habits #resilience #FlourishTVco #Mindfulness #DisciplinedMind #disciplineyourself #dailydiscipline #selfdiscipline #entrepreneur #solopreneur #flourishmom #goals #subconcious
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
In order to have a Balanced life you need to focus on what you can control. Today I will give you some tips on how to reset your mindset when emotions get the best of you.
When someone is nagging or trying to sabotage your efforts, keep these four words handy - "This too shall pass"
Each scroll contains a principle that will drive a bad habit from your life and replace it with a good one. Put your unlimited potential to good use. Stay Grounded, stay smiling and most of all, reach what you aspire to become.
Learn the secret of the ages: You will never be poor if you can laugh not only at the world, but at yourself. Change your perception and you will change your perspective.
Feed your soul as you meditate on these scrolls.
"Only with Laughter and Happiness can I truly become a Success" Og Mandino.
Do you have a good phrase to help you maintain composure when the going gets tough? Share in the comments below.
Join us as we live an inspired life from the readings of Og Mandino and The Greatest Salesman in the World. Success and Happiness are possible as you listen daily to the 10 scrolls - a small price to pay for an inspired life.
Share this show with three people you know who want to Live an Inspired Life, Diane
#SuccessSecrets #Flourish #OgMandino
Find out more about Flourish at the links below:
➡️ Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
➡️ Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
➡️ Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
➡️ Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
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#PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Visualize #FocusontheChange #Mindset #KnowYourself #SelfAwareness #goals #habits #resilience #FlourishTVco #Mindfulness #DisciplinedMind #disciplineyourself #dailydiscipline #selfdiscipline #entrepreneur #solopreneur #flourishmom #goals #subconcious #learnEnglish
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
The key to great wealth is in mastering your emotional self. Our emotions are like tides, always ebbing and flowing. Today will give you some tips on what to say to yourself in order to control your emotions, which will change your life.
Self-awareness is the first step. Each scroll contains a principle that will drive a bad habit from your life and replace it with a good one. Put your unlimited potential to good use.
Learn the secret of the ages: "Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts." Feed your soul as you meditate on these scrolls.
Be hyper-aware of your thoughts. What is your battle plan? What are your aspirations? Share in the comments below. Join us as we live an inspired life from the readings of Og Mandino and The Greatest Salesman in the World.
Success and Happiness are possible as you listen daily to the 10 scrolls - a small price to pay for an inspired life.
Episode Mentioned: https://youtu.be/b_vFVSpTN-Y
Share this show with three people you know who want to Live an Inspired Life, Diane
#SuccessSecrets #Flourish #OgMandino
Find out more about Flourish at the links below:
➡️ Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
➡️ Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
➡️ Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
➡️ Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
➡️ Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/UK4lkYUMOGI
#PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Visualize #FocusontheChange #Mindset #KnowYourself #SelfAwareness #goals #habits #resilience #FlourishTVco #Mindfulness #DisciplinedMind #disciplineyourself #dailydiscipline #selfdiscipline #entrepreneur #solopreneur #flourishmom #goals #subconcious