I know that you believe in yourself, you believe in self-development and helping your children or those you influence live with a healthy mind, body and heart. For that, I applaud you. Live an Inspired Life and Flourish! The goal of this show is to help you not only raise healthy & happy children, but to also work on your own personal development. We are all born with a Gift. We are all born with Purpose. Life‘s journey is to hone and develop that Gift, as purpose changes within. Share your knowledge of self-empowerment with those you influence, after all it‘s easier to raise a child with a positive mindset than it is to fix a broken one. How you speak and how you act around your children becomes their inner voice. Once you have self-awareness it‘s easier to thrive and grow, be your child‘s inspiration and advocate for their well being. https://www.Flourish.Mom. #personaldevelopment #mindset #motivation #inspiration #successtips #selfesteem #parenting #Believe #selfhelp #goals #habits #timemanagement #success #selfcare #selflove #bestseller #inspired #FlourishMom #time #howto #coach #personalgrowth #mentalhealth #health #fitness #wellness #meditation #spirituality #loa #thesecret #womenempowerment #parentingtips #highperformance #inspiredlife #inspireddiane #greatness #growth
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Today Diane discusses the Law of Repression and how to use it to radiate an authenticity that will draw people to you.
Diane Discusses:
Why you need to be aware of your Dark Side
Why its important to know the Shadow is in all of us
7 most common Dark Side traits
You will Learn:
How to integrate the Shadow into your Life
The 4 steps to heighten your creativity
How to radiate authenticity
Get your notepad out! This episode is filled with great tips to change your destiny and take control of your life. Reframe how you look at setbacks and instead see opportunity for growth.
Episodes Mentioned: - Episode 074, How to Change your Attitude, https://youtu.be/HGQFOSuPc6g
Episode 072, 5 Strategies to Unleash your Creative Powers, https://youtu.be/a6GOrHiMALY
Episode 070, Elevate your Perspective - https://youtu.be/Q9oQ_vqC584
Episode 068, Object of Desire (CoCo Chanel) - https://youtu.be/44ywMxqbUGY
Episode 066, Compulsive Behaviour - https://youtu.be/QLAoHETmqfg
Episode 064, See through People's Masks - https://youtu.be/LI9USK5HdV0
Episode 062, Self-Love - https://youtu.be/WkHEGwtPfJ8
Episode 060, Master Your Emotions - https://youtu.be/b_vFVSpTN-Y
Buy Robert Greene's Book: https://flourish.mom/shop-for-books-f...
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Clubhouse: @inspireddiane
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
Insta: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
Listen to more episodes - Podcast: https://flourish.mom/podcast-parents-...
Or Subscribe to the Podcast on your Favourite App!
Trust the process. Trust yourself and your intuition. Live an Inspired Life!
Take a moment to share what resonated with you today and remember to Subscribe...you don't want to miss the next chapter!
#RobertGreene #Mindset #Inspired #Flourish #076
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Does having a Positive Mindset really work? Let's ask Ghandi!
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Did you know that your thoughts are the path to your destiny? Today Diane shares a famous quote from Ghandi to get you thinking about how you are the only one in control of your life.
Live an Inspired Life!
#PostiveVibe #Ghandi #Flourish #Mindset #FlourishMom #075
Clubhouse: @inspireddiane
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/FlourishMom
Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/Flourish.Mom
Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
Subscribe to the Podcast at your favourite provider or at: https://www.Flourish.Mom/Podbean.com
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
"First you must become aware of your own attitude and how it slants your perceptions. Then you will have the power to alter it, to move it towards a more positive direction. Second, you must not only be aware of the role of your attitude but also believe in its supreme power to alter your circumstances. You are not a pawn in a game controlled by others; you are an active player who can move the pieces at will and even rewrite the rules.” Robert Greene
Today Diane discusses the Law of Self-Sabotage and what you can do to elevate your well-being and live an extraordinary life.
Diane Discusses:
Exploring the limits of your Willpower
Being aware of your Emotional Baggage
What to do to rewrite your Life
You will Learn:
How to change your Mindset
The Road Map to follow
How to be Better not Bitter
Get your notepad out! This episode is filled with great tips to change your destiny and take control of your life. Reframe how you look at setbacks and instead see opportunity for growth.
Episodes Mentioned: -
Episode 017, https://youtu.be/SJPvNYUv5W8
Episode 022, https://youtu.be/syrX0Fb2SDg
Episode 050, https://youtu.be/56hvtWvP3to
#072 - 5 Strategies-The Laws of Human Nature to Unleash your Creative Powers & Live an Inspired Life
Listen to Episode 072 - Watch on YouTube
#070 - Elevate your Perspective
Listen to Episode 070 - Watch on YouTube
Episode 068, Object of Desire (CoCo Chanel) - https://youtu.be/44ywMxqbUGY
Episode 066, Compulsive Behaviour - https://youtu.be/QLAoHETmqfg
Episode 064, See through People's Masks - https://youtu.be/LI9USK5HdV0
Episode 062, Self-Love - https://youtu.be/WkHEGwtPfJ8
Episode 060, Master Your Emotions - https://youtu.be/b_vFVSpTN-Y
Buy Robert Greene's Book: https://flourish.mom/shop-for-books-for-inspiration/
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Clubhouse: @inspireddiane
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
Facebook: https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
Insta: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
Listen to more episodes - Podcast: https://flourish.mom/podcast-parents-educators-original-influencers/
Or Subscribe to the Podcast on your Favourite App!
Trust the process. Trust yourself and your intuition. Live an Inspired Life! Take a moment to share what resonated with you today and remember to Subscribe...you don't want to miss the next chapter!
#RobertGreene #Mindset #Inspired #Flourish #FlourishMom #074
Quotes from Today's show:
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." Maya Angelou
"Explore the limits of your willpower to get better" Diane Planidin
"Attitude is a readiness of psyche to act or react in a certain way" Carl Jung
"The struggle is real and the reward for powering through is your goal; happiness is in the pursuit" Diane Planidin
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Are you wondering why you are not reaching your goals?
Diane shares a famous quote from Marie Currie for a positive mindset towards making yourself a priority.
Live an Inspired Life!
#FlourishMom #PositiveVibe #Mindset #MarieCurrie#073
Clubhouse: @inspireddiane
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/FlourishMom
Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/Flourish.Mom
Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
Subscribe to the Podcast at your favourite provider or at: https://www.Flourish.Mom/Podbean.com
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
If you are open to taking the next step in personal development through understanding human nature and the benefits of not being defensive but rather develop the skill of gentle persuasion, Diane shares the five strategies to do so in order to soften peoples resistance.
Step back and take a secondary position. Ask people for their opinions, be subtle about it as you learn more about them and their underlying motives. Remember the goal is not to be manipulative, then they will feel it, the goal is to work on your own mindset by not being defensive so that you can expand your own world, your own influence, rather than being too aggressive in your actions and words. People usually get aggressive when they are desperate and fearful of their future.
Diane discusses:
-what happens when you try to be convincing
-the power of persuasion
-how the Positive Vibe is real
You will Learn:
-how to stop arguing
-5 Strategies to soften peoples resistance
-how to unleash your creative powers
Quotes from today's shows"
“Never attack people for their beliefs or make them feel insecure about their intelligence or goodies-that will only strengthen their defensiveness and make your task impossible. Make them feel that by doing what you want they are being noble and altruistic-the ultimate lure. Learn to tame your own stubborn nature and free your mind from its defensive and closed positions, unleashing your creative powers.” Robert Greene
“People seek less to be instructed, and even to be amused, than to be praised and applauded” Jean de La Bruyere
Episodes Mentioned:
Episode 027, How to Motivate the UnMotivated - https://youtu.be/Xs_QWoq3_6g
Episode 042, No Fear - https://youtu.be/rUmh_VB7J2I
Episode 070, Elevate your Perspective - https://youtu.be/Q9oQ_vqC584
Episode 068, Object of Desire - https://youtu.be/44ywMxqbUGY
Episode 066, Compulsive Behaviour - https://youtu.be/QLAoHETmqfg -
Episode 064, See through People's Masks - https://youtu.be/LI9USK5HdV0 -
Episode 062, Self-Love - https://youtu.be/WkHEGwtPfJ8 -
Episode 060, Master Your Emotions - https://youtu.be/b_vFVSpTN-Y
Buy Robert Greene's Book: https://flourish.mom/shop-for-books-for-inspiration/
CONNECT: Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Clubhouse: @inspireddiane
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
Insta: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
Trust the process. Trust yourself and your intuition. Live an Inspired Life! Take a moment to share what resonated with you today and remember to Subscribe...you don't want to miss the next chapter!
#RobertGreene #Flourish #CreativePowers #FlourishMom #072
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Set yourself up for Success - Positive Inspiration for Everyday
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Have you lost your motivation and don't know where to find it? Look no further than where you are right now. If you really want something badly then take aim today.
Diane shares a famous quote from W. Clement Stone today for a positive mindset towards reaching your goals.
Live an Inspired Life!
#FlourishMom #PositiveVibe #Mindset #wClementStone
Clubhouse: @inspireddiane
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/FlourishMom
Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/Flourish.Mom
Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
Subscribe to the Podcast at your favourite provider or at: https://www.Flourish.Mom/Podbean.com
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Are you tired of learning everything the hard way? Today's episode reviews the Law of Shortsightedness from the Laws of Human Nature. It is a game changer to help you move forward with the Life you Deserve.
"Sanity and Balance do not come naturally. They are powers we acquire through great effort, and they represent the height of human wisdom". Robert Greene
Diane Discusses:
- Why you need to Prioritize
- How to expand your relationship to Time
- Why you need to think about consequences
You will Learn:
- 4 Strategies to reach your Long-Term Goals
- How to Elevate your Perspective
- How to Heighten your Awareness
Episodes Mentioned:
- Episode 044, How to Manage Time - https://youtu.be/AIISB21JesI
- Episode 055, Goal Setting - https://youtu.be/7WLkpRDaApE
- Episode 068, Object of Desire (CoCo Chanel) - https://youtu.be/44ywMxqbUGY
- Episode 066, Compulsive Behaviour - https://youtu.be/QLAoHETmqfg
- Episode 064, See through People's Masks - https://youtu.be/LI9USK5HdV0
- Episode 062, Self-Love - https://youtu.be/WkHEGwtPfJ8
- Episode 060, Master Your Emotions - https://youtu.be/b_vFVSpTN-Y
Buy Robert Greene's Book: https://flourish.mom/shop-for-books-for-inspiration/
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Clubhouse: @inspireddiane
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
Insta: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
Listen to more episodes
- Podcast: https://flourish.mom/podcast-parents-educators-original-influencers/
Or Subscribe to the Podcast on your Favourite App!
Trust the process. Trust yourself and your intuition. Live an Inspired Life!
Take a moment to share what resonated with you today and remember to Subscribe...you don't want to miss the next chapter!
#RobertGreen #Goals #Flourish #FlourishMom #070
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Be Irreplaceable by being Different - PositiveVibe for Everyday
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
The Positive Vibe is on point today with a quote from CoCo Chanel
Diane shares this icons vision and what it means to her. She also talks about how you can use this mantra for your own success, daily.
Live your Dreams and take Risks. Live an Inspired Life!
#FlourishMom #PositiveVibe #Chanel #Mindset
Clubhouse: @inspireddiane
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/FlourishMom
Facebook: https://www.Facebook.com/Flourish.Mom
Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
Subscribe to the Podcast at your favourite provider or at: https://www.Flourish.Mom/Podbean.com
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
“ Absence and presences have very primal effects upon us. Too much presences suffocates; a degree of absence spurs our interest. We are marked by the continual desire to possess what we do not have - the object projected by our fantasies…. Dangle in front of others what they are missing most in life, what they are forbidden to have, and they will go crazy with desire.” Robert Greene
Diane Discusses:
- Why you need to leave something to the Imagination
- How Influencers are not a modern day creation
- Why you need an air of Mystery
You will Learn:
- Why absence makes the heart grow fonder
- When to ignore the Fear of Missing Out
- Why the grass isn't greener on the other side
Diane provides you with modern day examples of how the Law of Covetousness works. She discusses the allure of the new Clubhouse app and how they used this law something that was not easily obtainable along with the history of Coco Chanel and her mastery of marketing.
Episodes Mentioned:
(The Cookie Thief) Perception is Reality
Quotes from Robert Greene:
“The more active our imagination becomes, the greater the pleasure we derive from it.”
“In the end what you really must covet is a deeper relationship to reality, which will bring you calmness, focus, and practical powers to alter what it is possible to alter”
Live an Inspired Life and remember, learn to create some mystery around you.
Follow me on Clubhouse @inspireddiane to be notified of the "Inspired Life" Room on the app - coming soon!
Buy Robert Greene's Book: https://flourish.mom/shop-for-books-for-inspiration/
#LawofAttraction #RobertGreene #FlourishMom
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
Insta: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
Listen to more episodes - Podcast: https://flourish.mom/podcast-parents-educators-original-influencers/
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
What do You do that is Meaningful?
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Get your creative thoughts going today by asking yourself some questions. How are you adding to society? How are you becoming the best version of yourself. How are you adding value to your life?
Asking yourself these questions helps in creating a positive mindset and directs your vision towards your goals.
Live an Inspired Life!
#FlourishMom #ThursdayVibe #Mindset