I know that you believe in yourself, you believe in self-development and helping your children or those you influence live with a healthy mind, body and heart. For that, I applaud you. Live an Inspired Life and Flourish! The goal of this show is to help you not only raise healthy & happy children, but to also work on your own personal development. We are all born with a Gift. We are all born with Purpose. Life‘s journey is to hone and develop that Gift, as purpose changes within. Share your knowledge of self-empowerment with those you influence, after all it‘s easier to raise a child with a positive mindset than it is to fix a broken one. How you speak and how you act around your children becomes their inner voice. Once you have self-awareness it‘s easier to thrive and grow, be your child‘s inspiration and advocate for their well being. https://www.Flourish.Mom. #personaldevelopment #mindset #motivation #inspiration #successtips #selfesteem #parenting #Believe #selfhelp #goals #habits #timemanagement #success #selfcare #selflove #bestseller #inspired #FlourishMom #time #howto #coach #personalgrowth #mentalhealth #health #fitness #wellness #meditation #spirituality #loa #thesecret #womenempowerment #parentingtips #highperformance #inspiredlife #inspireddiane #greatness #growth
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Never Allow Waiting to become a Habit....Life is Happening now!
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
The Thursday Vibe is on point today with a glimmer of inspiration to make your day Great.
Diane share's one of her favourite quotes today and what it means to her. She also talks about how you can face your fear and go for your dreams and aspirations.
Live your Dreams and take Risks. Be optimistic about the future and we can all - Live Well.
Live an Inspired Life
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Win with these 3 Tips to Reach Your Goals & Set yourself up for Success
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Diane discusses 3 Tips on creating a pathway to reaching your Goals - Daily.
It’s that time of year when we all have the opportunity to hit the reset button and regroup. By now you have realized that life has a new “normal”. That means you need to take a good look at what you need to fine tune in order to reach your Goals.
So how do you do that? Diane discusses why you need to set yourself up for success by setting a true intention, how to feel like doing what needs to get done and knowing where your focus is. Whether you are working at home, with kids or on your own at the moment, take time to recalibrate an area that needs your attention the most. Goals are more than a yearly event, they are on-going.
- why it's important to be in the moment
- where you will gain momentum and energy to achieve what you want
- how to set your goal and succeed
Kobe Bryant “Listen to your inner self, set your intention, take the time to observe yourself, in the moment.”
Nelson Mandella "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
Diane Planidin "Lead yourself and those you influence with optimism - forward. Nelson Mandella “I never lose. I either win or I learn”.
Diane Planidin "When your vision and your values are clear, the decisions and priorities come to you easier because now you are being true to your character."
Brendon Burchard “If you leave your time to randomness, you are stealing from your greatness”.
Warren Buffet, "You only get one mind and one body. And it's got to last a lifetime. But if you don't take care of that mind and that body, they'll be a wreck 40 years later...it's what you do right now, today, that determines how your mind and body will operate 10, 20, and 30 years from now.”
By sharing your time with me today, I know that you believe in yourself, you believe in self-development and helping your children or those you influence live with a healthy mind, body and heart. For that, I applaud you.
Live well, Diane
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
Insta: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
#FlourishMom #Goals #Mindset
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Top takeaways of 2020 that have been positive. What the Pandemic has taught us is that we are truly survivors of the fittest.
Today we share the top 10 subjects that people around the world wanted to hear about and what you can do with them.Today's show was inspired by all those #frontlineworkers - I can only imagine what it is like to be in your shoes. Stay strong and listen to this show whenever you need a little pick me up! I personally know #healthcareheroes that struggle to keep #positivevibes flowing. This ones for YOU!
In the new year, we have a lot to be grateful for and plenty to look forward to as well.
Quotes on today's show:
"Our thoughts can be weapons of mass distraction and as a result, personal destruction". Diane Planidin
"Act as though it were impossible to fail" Dorothea Brandt
"Comparison is a thief, just let it go" Diane Planidin
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players"
William Shakespeare
Live Well,
#podcasts #flourishmom #mindset
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Have you ever thought you were right and it turned out you were wrong? That is your perception becoming your reality. This episode discusses the classic "Cookie Thief" poem and how to use it as a reminder when you get into awkward situations and also how to remedy them.
It takes practice and patience to understand others and change how you think about them. Through communication, empathy and accountability you will open your mindset and try new ways of viewing others.
Thank you to Valerie Cox for sharing her poem. It appears the origin of the story dates back in history and her poem was published in the 3rd edition of Chicken Soup for the Soul in 1996.
Watch this before you are too quick to judge another person. After all, their Perception is their reality, not yours. If you like these tips, please subscribe and leave a gracious comment.
Listen to episode 040, Insight and Intuition for more on this subject or watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/UJg_OXzJuNg
Visit the Flourish.Mom website to listen or to save the podcast or download it on your phone with Apple, Spotify, Google, Amazon, iHeart Radio or your favourite app.
Live well,
#cookiethief #flourishmom #parentingtips
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Today’s topic is about Giftedness and designed to provoke questions as you observe your own children. I share 3 traits that were abundant in my own Gifted child, observation was key in determining this for us.
As a parent it’s important to be aware of your child’s interest and help them cultivate it. Boredom sets in easily and distraction is at an all time historical high. Dig in and observe your child’s abilities as you build on the foundation and explore their expertise hidden in plain sight.
“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else” Leonardo da Vinci
Live Well! Thanks for sharing your precious time with me today, I'm very grateful. If you have a moment, please subscribe and share the show with others.
The Flourish Show is also available on Apple, Spotify, Google, Amazon & iHeart Radio. The Podcast is hosted with Podbean on our website. https://www.Flourish.Mom
Also on YouTube: https://bit.ly/Subscribe-Flourish
#giftedness #parentingtips #FlourishMom
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Think of you and your family. When you are happy, healthy at peace, your family is too, it’s contagious. How do you pursue happiness when there’s aways someone out there trying to steal it from you. One way is to identify the ‘triggers’. Who or what is pushing your buttons without your permission. Who is saying, doing, being negative everyday and you are getting tired of having your shields up all the time. Wouldn’t it be nice to let your guard down every now and then and let happiness in. By identifying what ‘triggers’ you and your spiral into woe is me, you can practice being able to let that slide off, just like water on a ducks back.
Can you think of a situation where your pursuit of happiness is being challenged? Today I share 3 Tips on happiness and the secret of the pursuit. Whether you are raising a family, on your own or taking care of a loved one, this episode is designed to help as many people as possible discover their happy place and stay there.
'Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one’s values.' Ayn Rand
“Happiness is not pleasure, nor is it virtue. It is the exercise of virtue.” Aristotle
“If your joy is derived from what society thinks of you, you’re always going to be disappointed” Madonna
Never let anyone plant a seed of self-doubt in order for them to feel better. If you are interested in more on the bully subject, I go into great detail in Episode 018, The Trouble with Bullies: https://youtu.be/7oE37Asfz0c
Sir Thomas Browne: “I am the happiest man alive. I have that in me that can convert poverty into riches, adversity to prosperity, and I am more invulnerable than Achilles; fortune hath not one place to hit me.
“The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live.” — Ayn Rand
Live Well! Thanks for sharing your precious time with me today, I'm very grateful. If you have a moment, please subscribe and share the show with others. The Flourish Show is also available as a podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Amazon & iHeart Radio. The Podcast is hosted with Podbean on our website. https://www.Flourish.Mom
#Happy #Attitude #Confidence
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
When you become aware of how powerful being resolute is, you can us it to your own advantage and teach your children, students, family and staff how to do the same.
These principles are universal to your own situation. We do everything twice - being resolute is the action that has developed from our thoughts. Today we discuss a few examples of how to take control of this powerful tool we all have & the power of the made up mind with the goal of helping you!
"If you can give your child only one gift, let it be enthusiasm" Bruce Barton
Today's episode was inspired by my #American listeners and the symbolism of the #Resolute desk treasure in the White House. Choose the Resolute action that will lead you on the path of #Success.
Live Well,
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
Insta: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
The beauty of the World lies in the diversity of it's people. That is a quote from "Unknown".
What really makes us unique is our culture, tradition and music, which has a universal language.
As we celebrate the anniversary of King Ludwig's marriage today we are reminded of why it is so important to keep tradition alive, no matter where you live. Join me on the journey of how a marriage in 1810 created a new tradition that is still carried on today.
What makes you unique? What are you teaching your children and students about global traditions? How did these traditions evolve? All very important questions in keeping the spirit of our heritage and connecting the generations.
How lucky are we that we can enjoy the riches of the world, without ever leaving home.
#Culture #Inspiration #Music
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Music provides a powerful tool for learning and stirs your soul. “There are few things that stimulate the brain the way music does,” says one Johns Hopkins otolaryngologist. “If you want to keep your brain engaged throughout the aging process, listening to or playing music is a great tool. It provides a total brain workout.”
Did you know that Music is also lives inside our brains longer? There is a part of our brain, that looks like the shape of Italy :), that researchers have identified as the Musical Memory Area. Music lasts longer in our memories! You can use music as a tool to learn and teach. It appears that since it creates an elevated emotion and feelings to the surface, it also builds a memory.
So what's your jam? What gets you moving and motivated?
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
Insta: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
Live well! #Learn #Memory #Tools
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Working from home has become the 'new norm', you need to ensure you will be successful and avoid the distractions along the way. This week we discuss 5 tips that have proven results in order to help you adjust to the change.
It's important to create your own, personalized space for focus. Use what you already have in order to avoid boredom and retain what you learn and do. Develop a plan which will provide you a better view of the big picture. And make sure that you have balance by providing time for yourself. Most importantly, maintain your physical and spiritual health so you can stay positive and support those around you.
Visit the Flourish.Mom website for your own printable 5 Step guide. Share this episode with others ... You got this!
Website: https://www.Flourish.Mom
Twitter: https://www.Twitter.Com/FlourishMom
Facebook https://www.Facebook.Com/Flourish.Mom
Insta: https://www.Instagram.com/FlourishMom
Pinterest: https://www.Pinterest.ca/WowFlourishMom
#WFH #WorkFromHome #RemoteLearning2020